Additional training at the initiative of the Beneficiary School Principal
On June 15-16, 2022, Tbilisi Public School N6 hosted a two-day training for European University professors on the topics: “Assessment System Reform” and “Optimization of

Speeches by Honorary Guests of the Concluding Conference
At the concluding conference of the Erasmus + Jean Monnet project – “Advancing European Values and Standards in Georgian Schools” (EU-GS) – important messages on

Project Concluding Conference
The Erasmus + Jean Monnet project – “Advancing European values and standards in Georgian schools” (EU-GS) – has been completed. The concluding conference was held

Additional recommendations following public discussions
Based on the feedback received throughout the public discussions conducted under the EU GS project, the project implementation team developed additional policy recommendations. Competent

Awarding Winning School Projects
Within the framework of the EU co-financed Jean Monnet Project, European University provided sub-grants for school initiatives aimed at promoting European Union and European

Results of the Call for School Initiatives
Winners of the Call for School Initiatives under the Erasmus + Jean Monnet project “Advancing European values and standards in Georgian schools”, have been announced. As a

Tbilisi Third Public Discussion at EQE
Within the framework of the Erasmus + Jean Monnet project – “Advancing European values and standards in Georgian schools” – a public discussion was held

Tbilisi Second Public Discussion at the Teachers’ House
On 12 May 2022, the EU GS Project Implementation Team visited the National Center for Teachers’ Professional Development, i.e. Teachers’ House, for another round of

Public Discussions in Telavi
On May 4, 2022, within the framework of the EU co-financed Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Project – “Advancing European Values and Standards in Georgian Schools”, the

Call for School Initiatives
European University is pleased to announce a call for school initiatives for 11th and 12th grade students within the framework of Erasmus + Jean Monnet project “Advancing

Public Discussion in Kutaisi
On May 2, 2022, in the framework of the EU GS project, a public discussion on the topic of “Challenges of Teaching European Values in

Hybrid Seminar for the Pupils of the Beneficiary Schools
Within the framework of the EU co-financed Jean Monnet Project – “ Advancing European Values and Standards in Georgian Schools” -, a hybrid seminar was

Tbilisi First Public Discussion at European University
Within the framework of the EU GS project, a public discussion on the topic – Challenges of Teaching European Values in Georgian Schools – was

Last meeting of the Tripartite Consultation Group
On 18 April 2022, the third and final meeting of the Tripartite Consultation Group was held at European University as part of the EU GS

Online Seminar for the Ethnically Armenian Pupils
On April 15, an online seminar was held for ethnically Armenian pupils of the beneficiary schools within the framework of the EU co-financed Jean Monnet

Online Seminar for the Ethnically Azeri Pupils
On April 7-8, 2022 an online seminar was held for ethnically Azeri pupils of the beneficiary schools within the framework of the EU co-funded project

Online Training for School Principals and Teachers
On March 30-31, 2022 a two-day online training was held for the school principals and teachers of the beneficiary schools within the framework of the

Information session
An information session was held for entrants interested in studying at European University’s International Relations bachelor’s program. 70 entrants attended the online meeting, ten of

Training for School Principals and Teachers in Akhalkalaki
On March 13, 2022, in Akhalkalaki, within the framework of the EU GS project co-financed by the European Union, a training was held for the

Training for School Principals and Teachers in Marneuli
On February 26, 2022, in the city of Marneuli, a training for ethnically Azerbaijani teachers and principals of schools benefiting from the EU-co-funded EU GS

EU GS Methodological Manual is published in Armenian and Azerbaijani languages
EU GS Methodological Manual – “Teaching European Values in Schools of Georgia” is now available in Armenian and Azerbaijani languages both in hard copies and

Training for School Principals and Teachers in Telavi
On February 19-20, 2022 in the framework of the EU co-financed EU GS project, the third training for the principals and teachers of the beneficiary

Training for school directors and teachers in Zugdidi
In the framework of the EU co-funded Erasmus + Jean Monnet project – “Advancing European values and standards in Georgian schools” – trainings for public

Training school principals and teachers in Tbilisi
On February 5-6, 2022, a series of trainings for public school principals and teachers has started within the framework of the EU-cofunded Erasmus + Jean

Presentation of methodological manual
On February 5, 2022, in the framework of the Erasmus + Jean Monnet project – “Advancing European values and standards in Georgian schools”, a methodological

EU GS mobile application was developed
The EU GS mobile application was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Jean Monnet project – “Advancing European values and standards in Georgian

Second tripartite consultation meeting
The presentation of the empirical research-based policy paper and methodological guide- “Teaching European values in Georgian schools” – was held at European University, in the

EU GS app is available on Play Store
The EU GS app has been uploaded to the Play Store and from now on is available to all Android users. EU GS is a

EU-GS Policy Paper was published
EU-GS Policy Paper was published online The first, research phase of the first EU-GS project is completed. The policy paper entitled “Teaching European Values in

Fieldwork is completed
Fieldwork is completed Between June 14 and July 16, 2021, a field work aimed at producing a policy document within the EU-GS project was planned

Address by the EU Ambassador to Georgia
„Dear speakers of the Parliament, dear Rector, Jean Monnet students, ladies and gentlemen, let me first of all, congratulate the European University for their participation

EU-GS Project Ceremonial Presentation
Erasmus+ Jean Monnet’s project presentation ceremony was held at European University EU-GS project presentation ceremony was held at European University. Along with the administrative, academic

Academic Coordinator of the EU-GS Project, Dr. Giorgi Glonti passed away. Dr. Giorgi Glonti was an affiliate professor and a Senior Research Fellow at European

Results of the final selection of student-researchers
Results of the final selection process of the student-researchers are now available. After the successful completion of the theoretical training and subsequent practical assignment, the

Training for student researchers
On May 22-23, a training was held for those pre-selected for the position of student-researchers. The sessions were attended by about 50 students. It must

Results of the initial selection of student-researchers
The qualifying competition for the selection of student-researchers announced under the EU-GS project is over. 96 applications were received from 14 Georgian and 4 foreign

Call for applications! Position: student-researcher
European University is implementing the EU-GS project (620893-EPP-1-2020-1-GE-EPPJMO-PROJECT) with the financial support of the European Union, within the framework of which a large-scale study of

Launching Tripartite Consultation Group
The preparatory phase of the EU-GS project started with a tripartite consultation meeting attended by the project implementation team, representatives of the Ministry of Science
Upcoming Events
There are no upcoming events at this time.